If you’ve been playing Warframe, you must be aware of the promo codes that come from time to time. These promo codes can be used to claim freebies, these freebies can be anything, from Glyphs to Slots, from Orokin Reactors to weapons. Let’s find out what the latest codes are and get those freebies!
Note: The codes given in this article can be used on any platform (Nintendo Switch, PS4, PC, and Xbox One!). Platform-specific codes come out very rarely.
Earlier Warframe used to give away a lot of stuff, but their giveaway channel has now changed to Twitch. Nowadays, the promo codes only work for getting some cool looking Glyphs, that’s all!

How To Claim These Codes?
- Just below this heading, you will find the list of best looking Glyphs
- Click on whichever glyph you like and it will take you to the Warframe official website
- After that follow the on-screen instructions
Note: Please do not claim every glyph in a single day. This will lead to a temporary IP ban and you won’t be able to claim anything.
Warframe Promo Codes 2021
These are the codes that are working as of now.
Warframe Glyph Codes | ||
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More Codes
Code | Reward |
AeonKnight86 | AeonKnight86 Glyph |
AGayGuyPlays | AGayGuyPlays Glyph |
AlainLove | AlainLove Glyph |
AlexanderDario | AlexanderDario Glyph |
Amprov | Amprov Glyph |
AngryUnicorn | AngryUnicorn Glyph |
AnjetCat | AnjetCat Glyph |
AnnoyingKillah | AnnoyingKillah Glyph |
AshiSogiTenno | AshiSogiTenno Glyph |
Avelna | Avelna Glyph |
Aznitrous | Aznitrous Glyph |
BigJimID | BigJimID Glyph |
BrazilCommunityDiscord | BrazilCommunityDiscord Glyph |
Bricky | Bricky Glyph |
Brozime | Brozime Glyph |
BurnBxx | BurnBxx Glyph |
Bwana | Bwana Glyph |
CephalonSquared | CephalonSquared Glyph |
CGsKnackie | CGsKnackie Glyph |
ChacyTay | ChacyTay Glyph |
Char | Char Glyph |
Cleonaturin | Cleonaturin Glyph |
CohhCarnage | CohhCarnage Glyph |
CopyKavat | CopyKavat Glyph |
Cpt_Kim | Cpt_Kim Glyph |
DanielTheDemon | DanielTheDemon Glyph |
DasterCreations | DasterCreations Glyph |
DayJobo | DayJobo Glyph |
DebbySheen | DebbySheen Glyph |
Deejayknight | Deejayknight Glyph |
DeepBlueBeard | DeepBlueBeard Glyph |
DeuceTheGamer | DeuceTheGamer Glyph |
DillyFrame | DillyFrame Glyph |
DimitriV2 | DimitriV2 Glyph |
DjTechLive | DjTechLive Glyph |
DkDiamantes | DkDiamantes Glyph |
DNexus | DNexus Glyph |
Eduiy16 | Eduiy16 Glyph |
ElDanker | ElDanker Glyph |
ElGrineerExiliado | ElGrineerExiliado Glyph |
Elnoraeleo | Elnoraeleo Glyph |
Emojv | Emojv Glyph |
EmpryeanCap | EmpryeanCap Glyph |
ExtraCredits | ExtraCredits Glyph |
FacelessBeanie | FacelessBeanie Glyph |
FashionFrameIsEndGame | FashionFrameIsEndGame Glyph |
FeelLikeAPlayer | FeelLikeAPlayer Glyph |
FloofyDwagon | FloofyDwagon Glyph |
FromThe70s | FromThe70s Glyph |
FrostyNovaPrime | FrostyNovaPrime Glyph |
Frozenballz | Frozenballz Glyph |
Gara | Gara Glyph |
GermanCommunityDiscord | GermanCommunityDiscord Glyph |
GlamShatterSkull | GlamShatterSkull Glyph |
Golden | Golden Glyph |
GrindHardSquad | GrindHardSquad Glyph |
HappinesDark | HappinesDark Glyph |
H3DSH0T | H3DSH0T Glyph |
Homiinvocado | Homiinvocado Glyph |
HotShomStories | HotShomStories Glyph |
Hydroxate | Hydroxate Glyph |
Iflynn | Iflynn Glyph |
Ikedo | Ikedo Glyph |
InfoDiversao | InfoDiversao Glyph |
IWoply | IWoply Glyph |
JoeyZero | JoeyZero Glyph |
Joriale | Joriale Glyph |
JustRLC | JustRLC Glyph |
K1llerBarbie | K1llerBarbie Glyph |
KavatsSchroedinger | KavatsSchroedinger Glyph |
KingGothaLion | KingGothaLion Glyph |
Kiwad | Kiwad Glyph |
Kr1ptonPlayer | Kr1ptonPlayer Glyph |
LadyTheLaddy | LadyTheLaddy Glyph |
LeoDoodling | LeoDoodling Glyph |
LeyzarGamingViews | LeyzarGamingViews Glyph |
L1feWater | L1feWater Glyph |
LiliLexi | LiliLexi Glyph |
IISlip | IISlip Glyph |
LynxAria | LynxAria Glyph |
Macho | Macho Glyph |
MadFury | MadFury Glyph |
Makarimorph | Makarimorph Glyph |
McGamerCZ | McGamerCZ Glyph |
McMonkeys | McMonkeys Glyph |
MHBlacky | MHBlacky Glyph |
MichelPostma | MichelPostma Glyph |
MikeTheBard | MikeTheBard Glyph |
MissFwuffy | MissFwuffy Glyph |
Mogamu | Mogamu Glyph |
MrSteelWar | MrSteelWar Glyph |
NoSympathyy | NoSympathyy Glyph |
OddieOwl | OddieOwl Glyph |
OriginalWickedFun | OriginalWickedFun Glyph |
OrpheusDeluxe | OrpheusDeluxe Glyph |
PammyJammy | PammyJammy Glyph |
PocketNinja | PocketNinja Glyph |
PostiTV | PostiTV Glyph |
Pyrah | Pyrah Glyph |
ProfessorBroman | ProfessorBroman Glyph |
QTCC | QTCC Glyph |
QTCC2 | QTCC2 Glyph |
RagingTerror | RagingTerror Glyph |
Rahetalius | Rahetalius Glyph |
RainbowWaffles | RainbowWaffles Glyph |
RebelDustyPinky | RebelDustyPinky Glyph |
Relentlesszen | Relentlesszen Glyph |
ReyGanso | ReyGanso Glyph |
Rippz0r | Rippz0r Glyph |
Ritens | Ritens Glyph |
RoyalPrat | RoyalPrat Glyph |
RustyFin | RustyFin Glyph |
R/Warframe | r/Warframe Glyph |
Sapmatic | Sapmatic Glyph |
SarahTsang | SarahTsang Glyph |
SerdarSari | SerdarSari Glyph |
Sharlazard | Sharlazard Glyph |
ShenZhao | ShenZhao Glyph |
Sherpa | Sherpa Glyph |
Shul | Shul Glyph |
SillFix | SillFix Glyph |
SkillUp | SkillUp Glyph |
Smoodie | Smoodie Glyph |
Sn0wRC | Sn0wRC Glyph |
Strippin | Strippin Glyph |
StudioCyen | StudioCyen Glyph |
TaticalPotato | TaticalPotato Glyph |
Tanchan | Tanchan Glyph |
TBGKaru | TBGKaru Glyph |
TinBears | TinBears Glyph |
TeaWrex | TeaWrex Glyph |
TennoForever | TennoForever Glyph |
TheGamio | TheGamio Glyph |
TioMario | TioMario Glyph |
TioRamon | TioRamon Glyph |
TotalN3wb | TotalN3wb Glyph |
ToxickToe | ToxickToe Glyph |
TrashFrame | TrashFrame Glyph |
Triburos | Triburos Glyph |
UnrealYuki | UnrealYuki Glyph |
VAMP6X6X6X | VAMP6X6X6X Glyph |
Vamppire | Vamppire Glyph |
Vernoc | Vernoc Glyph |
VoidFissureBR | VoidFissureBR Glyph |
Voli | Voli Glyph |
VoltTheHero | VoltTheHero Glyph |
VVhiteAngel | VVhiteAngel Glyph |
Wanderbots | Wanderbots Glyph |
WarframeCommunityDiscord | WarframeCommunityDiscord Glyph |
WarframeRunway | WarframeRunway Glyph |
WarframeWiki | WarframeWiki Glyph |
WideScreenJohn | WideScreenJohn Glyph |
Woxli | Woxli Glyph |
Xenogelion | Xenogelion Glyph |
Zarionis | Zarionis Glyph |
Zxpfer | Zxpfer Glyph |
Free Platinum Promo Codes
There are a lot of articles on the web, that have “free platinum code” in their headings. Unfortunately, there’s no such thing called free platinum codes. Only DE can transfer direct platinum to you and I am sure they don’t do it unless you purchase it from them. There are many ways of earning platinum in this game, just use the trading channel efficiently and you’ll have enough platinum.
Dead Promo Codes
These codes are not working anymore.
- N00blShowtek – Redeem code for a N00blShowtek Glyph
- FreeSword – Redeem code for a Head Sword
- TwoGrakata – Redeem code for a Booster
- VoidCrystal – Redeem code for a Booster
- Warframe – Redeem code for a Booster
That’s all for the latest codes available as of now, we will update this article weekly so make sure to keep an eye!